Donkey Talks: 50 Blue Conversations is a project that encourages communication around Democratic voting in the 2020 election.

Video chat is the correspondence of our time - an era that has both socially stifled and technologically tightened the bounds of conversation. A 50-part series featuring 50 different Democrats from 50 different states, we learn not only diverging issues of importance and opinion within the party, but of cultural and climatary distinctions bound by territory lines. What it means to be from the United States of America is many many things, and this piece is an attempt to provide space for the voices that demand regime change towards a more equitable future.

Click the states below to watch.

I will eternally appreciate each and every one of the 50 participants who conversed with me on screen for this project. The invaluable teaching extended from your brains, hearts and mouths will forever guide me.

I also want to acknowledge all of the friends and strangers who provided the connections - sometimes far and wide - that made this project possible. Your generosity and willingness to share your communities for the sake of bettering this country gives me hope. Donkey Talks: 50 Blue Conversations is just as much about connecting in an isolated world as it is about voting.

A special thanks to Jared Radin for building this website and realizing my creative vision. Thank you Minnesota Street Project for featuring this work.